Did you know that personal trainers can improve the effectiveness of your workouts whether you’re a novice stepping into the gym for the first time or an experienced athlete working to meet a specific goal? There is no perfect client type when it comes to personal training. Trainers are prepared to work with a variety of client types, offering guidance based on each individual’s needs. In this blog, we’ll talk about some of the different ways that working with a personal trainer can enhance your workouts so you can make the most of your time spent in the gym!
Injury Prevention
Arguably, the best thing working with a personal trainer offers is a reduced risk of injury. A personal trainer monitors your exercises and can correct your form in real-time. Performing exercises with bad form can at best hinder your progress and at worst lead to a serious injury. A personal trainer can give you corrections as you’re performing an exercise to ensure that you’re doing it correctly. Learning the proper form for specific exercises can help later in your fitness journey when performing different exercises that utilize similar movements.
Tailored Plan
Whether you’re new to the gym or a seasoned athlete, training to combat a health concern or to compete in an event, recovering from an old injury or trying to prevent a future one, your personal trainer is equipped to build an exercise regimen that meets all of your needs and is built around your limitations. A workout tailored specifically to you is a great way to get the most out of your workouts and ensure that the goals you have are going to be reached.
Improved Mental Health
There is no shortage of research that says consistent exercise can help improve mental well-being and mitigate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Exercise naturally helps improve mental health, and working with a personal trainer can reduce the mental load that comes with working out. Let your trainer worry about everything that goes into building an exercise plan. All you need to do is show up and work hard. Working with a personal trainer can also be a great way to beat the winter blues. During the colder months when you’re naturally being less active, a personal trainer can help you stay active which can reduce the effects of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).
Effectiveness of Workouts
One of the best ways personal trainers can enhance your workouts is by improving the effectiveness of your time spent in the gym. With the overwhelming volume of exercise resources on the internet, it can be difficult to parse through what workouts are beneficial for you and your goals. Whether you have limited time available in the gym or are spending hours a day exercising, it’s important to make sure the exercises you’re doing are going to be contributing toward your fitness goals.
Support Network
If you’re new to working out, one of the biggest struggles when it comes to exercise is having a support network that can provide encouragement, accountability, and education. Plenty of athletes and seasoned gym goers have built a network of peers that they can rely on for motivation to pump out one last set, socialization between exercises, or new workout ideas and techniques. Starting to get into fitness without a network can make the experience even more intimidating. A personal trainer can serve as the start of your network and help provide that support.
Help Set Realistic Goals
Nothing kills your motivation faster than setting unrealistic expectations and feeling deflated when you’re not making quick enough progress toward them. One of the benefits of working with a personal trainer is that they can help you set realistic goals for yourself. Your trainer can look at where you’re starting from, how much time you have to exercise, and other contributing factors to help you set realistic goals for yourself. This can make it easier for you to stay on track and properly monitor your progress.
Where Can I Find A Personal Trainer Near Me?
At Advanced Kinetics Physical Therapy we offer personal training services to help you get the most out of your workout routine and crush your fitness goals. We offer these services at our locations in Falls Church and McLean, Virginia. You’re able to schedule your personal training sessions on our website via Vagaro or through the Vagaro app! If you’re interested in learning more about how our personal trainers can help you, please get in touch with us!
This blog will help you get the most out of your physical therapy and the community of Advanced Kinetics Physical Therapy and Sports Performance. AKPT is reinventing physical therapy, embracing all aspects of movement from treatment, into recovery and on to injury prevention. You may read this and think of your friends, family and coworkers. You may realize that AKPT can do more for you than you previously knew. Read. Share. Act. Use this reinvention of physical therapy to reinvent yourself and your peak performance.
Advanced Kinetics – Reinventing Physical Therapy